Dear guests who are planning to become members of our congregation.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules of participation in the community.
In our community, as in all Jewish communities, each member has a status.
Usually the status depends on your actions and it is exactly the same with us

1. Mitzvah
That is, we agree with you, about the mitzvah you will take on, contact the community with a validator. It is either a religious person shomer Shabbat or Rabbi and go!

2. Assist in congregational activities
You, according to your skillets and skills, can take on the task of helping the congregation in all sorts of ways

3. Become a community sponsor or provide financial assistance to the congregatio

By doing all three actions, you get the highest status!
Doing two or one action is lower

Please note that your status in the community will be openly reflected in the global crypto ecosystem
From which your social ranking and capital will be generated

But, for example, you will say that you don't have money or time and it's not a problem at all!
Then you will take on double the amount of mitzvah fulfillment, for example, or more help in the life of the community, or say that there is no time to help the community, but you will be a sponsor twice as much as you want and convenient.

| If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand be blown off.