NFT Rabbinical credentials
Believing in authenticity: defending the truth in the virtual world!
We are now on the threshold of a new era in the history of the Internet - the WEB 3 era
This is a new World in which meta-universes, AR objects, avatars and many other digital objects are created and become an integral part of our lives.

However, with the advent of new technologies and digital objects, there is a risk of losing the status and respect of those who already have their status in society.
Today, with the rapid development of technology and the global heat of large masses of people, it is necessary to pay attention to modern means of confirming the identity and authenticity of content on the network. Dipfake technologies (face swapping), creation of avatars endowed with artificial intelligence, instant voice cloning and other such technologies are developing by the hour and not by the day. In this regard, even today, people are faced with fake statements of famous personalities, politicians or businessmen, which are made with malicious intent.
With the necessary skill and the presence of a modern home computer, even today, with the help of neural networks, it is possible to create any fake video of very high quality, which is almost impossible to distinguish from the real one. And this is done in a very short time.
Rabbis are the face of the people of Israel and ambassadors to the world. It is one of the groups of people whose status and authority play an enormous role in the religious, cultural, social and cultural life of the Jewish people as a whole and of Jewish communities divided into traditional groups.
Every day, such technologies become more advanced and more accessible to a wider range of people.
Responsibility for the people of Israel
And so they can be targeted by malicious individuals who will pursue ethnic hate speech and create false provocative and offensive statements on behalf of religious leaders.

Here our team sees its mission - we strive to ensure the preservation of the status of Rabbis in the new WEB3 Internet World and accordingly in the entire information space.
By every Rabbi's word or action, the entire nation of Israel is judged at once.
Due to the development of new trends, society will come to the point that any materials, videos, audio recordings, documents and even live video conversations will not be taken seriously without identification (authentication), which can be realized through web3 tools.
And it is necessary to start doing this before someone is harmed.

We are building the world's first registry of Rabbis in the World of Blockchain technology, using NFT cards to identify and verify each Rabbi.

Our registry allows us to efficiently and securely confirm a Rabbi's identity and prevent his image from being used for discrediting purposes.
Become part of this unique project that combines tradition and modern technology

If you have any questions, suggestions or want to know more about our initiative, don't hesitate to contact us. We are ready to collaborate and serve our values.