Do not curse a deaf person or put a barrier in front of a blind person. Fear your G-d
Get a comprehensive professional description of virtual assets (cryptocurrencies, crypto-strategies, virtual plots, tokens, tokenized real world objects) that you yourself have found and in which you are going to invest,
So that you understand what you are going for.
1. Professional due diligence of assets of interest
2. experience in project analysis techniques
3. project review
4. Direct communications so as not to run into a project mirror
5. Direct conversations with founders and teams
6. Exhaustive information about any types of virtual assets you propose to analyze
You, the Community Members, contribute to a shared list of virtual asset cryptocurrency startups and crypto projects that you have chosen to buy and invest in.
Leviticus 19:14
Nowadays, from every iron there are cries about the coming bull cycle, which fuel the desire to catch luck by the tail and get rich like all those many lucky people who have made a fortune on virtual assets over the past 12 years.

But it's not that simple.
Some of them were just lucky, some of them really understood what they were doing.
But we should not forget about those who completely lost on this business - they just do not often like to talk about them.

Cryptocurrency data aggregator CoinGecko reports that more than 50% of all coins and tokens listed since 2014 have ceased operations or become completely worthless.
What everyone is looking forward to in the near future
This requires in-depth expertise and knowledge about
of the latest financial technology.

But to understand everything, it may take years, which is not available. We need to act here and now.

Together with other community members and our team -
You will be able to consciously step into new markets to new successes!
And, of course, become a full-fledged participant in the digital economy
The idea of investing is to gain, not lose.
The Holy Torah says
How it will be:
Each week you, and other community members, vote for the top 10 suggestions from the overall list
Our team conducts a professional audit of your selected offers and gives a full report in the form of a detailed analysis of all aspects and details,
And you will get a complete picture of what each of them is all about.
After familiarizing yourself with the work of the specialists, you sound out
Virtual assets, cryptocurrencies, startups and crypto projects that you consider most promising
We will reach out to the founders and teams of these virtual cryptocurrency assets, startups and crypto projects and invite them to our community for online talks. Our team will ask the most uncomfortable professional questions. We will talk about real technologies, ecosystem solutions and utilitarian value, excluding all marketing tricks and information and advertising garbage.
In this way you will get a complete, exclusive and real picture of the selected offers and will be able to make a well-informed and informed decision based on facts whether to invest or not.
That translates to a staggering 14,039 "dead coins" out of more than 24,000 ever on the platform.
- Over 50% of the coins and tokens listed on CoinGecko since 2014 are now considered "dead".

- Cryptocurrencies launched in 2021 have the highest failure rate, with more than 70% failing within three years.

- bullrun's 2020-2021 projects account for 53% of all dead cryptocurrencies, totaling 7,530 projects.