In light of the development of such technologies as web3, virtual assets and augmented reality, we have an opportunity to take a new approach to the preservation of cultural heritage.
In the next 2-3 years we will discover a new format of information distribution, consumption and interaction with it. Virtual assets and other web3 benefits will literally surround us and will be available through the use of augmented reality headsets.
Preserving the legacy while creating the future.
Innovation at the heart of cultural heritage
We are not proposing to create just another beautiful virtual location, three-dimensional visualizations of objects or scanning books and putting them online for public access, as it may seem at first glance.
Our difference from similar projects is that in addition to the pre-creation of a virtual copy, each item of cultural heritage will be accompanied by exhaustive information about it, presented in every sense it can contain.
This will be a multi-faceted description that may contain aspects such as:
\cultural significance \Spiritual (description from the Talmud with commentary from the sages) \Historical description \Practical purpose \physical structure
And many other parameters that may be relevant to the subject at hand.
We also see that such a rich cultural heritage cannot be limited to physical objects. It can also be actions and rituals, prayers and festivals, songs and music, art objects, national attire, languages, historical events and much more.
Each cultural heritage object on which such work will be done will be fixed on the blockchain by minting NFT, which will contain information about the owner, the person who contributed to the conservation of cultural heritage. And everyone will be able to familiarize themselves with it in our virtual gallery.